Schools, Universities, & other educational institutions
What is Social Entrepreneurship?
/ 1hr
Students learn about what social entrepreneurship is, and how certain business models and ideas create varied impacts.
Social Enterprise Ethics & Australian Law
/ 1hr
Students learn about the social enterprise spectrum, wicked problems, and how laws and business activities interrelate.
Starting from Zero
/ 1hr
Students learn how to start up and market their own social enterprises on a shoestring budget, while preventing business and other risks.
Ideas Creation
/ 3hrs
This workshop encourages values development and out-of-the-box thinking. Students work independently or in teams to create social enterprise idea/s based on their interests and the needs of their community.
/ 8hrs
Students learn how to start and develop a social enterprise. This workshop’s hours can be split and delivered in association with the students' schedule.
Homeschool Students
Online Training
One-on-one Student Sessions
/ ph
Lessons are tailored to what the student and their parents would like them to learn. Students can learn content from any of the presentations or workshops listed under the public school/ university pricing.
Group Workshop
Ideas Creation
$120 pp
/ 3hrs
This workshop encourages values development and out-of-the-box thinking. Students work independently or in teams to create social enterprise idea/s based on their interests and the needs of their community.
Group Workshop
Start-up & Development
$280 pp
/ 8hrs
Students learn how to start and develop a social enterprise. This workshop is run over 4 weeks for 2 hrs per week.
NEIS Participants
Individual Sessions
Individual Mentoring
/ 1hr
Participants discuss their business idea and together we come up with a strategy to increase social impact and profit.
Interactive Group Presentation
Interactive Group Presentation
$12 pp
/ 1hr
This interactive group presentation teaches participants how to implement social entrepreneurship into their business start ups.